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Home > Marijuana Strains > Herbal Wellness Center’s Boba Fett Marijuana Strain

Herbal Wellness Center’s Boba Fett Marijuana Strain

Boba Fett Marijuana Strain

Boba Fett is an indica-dominant hybrid marijuana strain made from Snake Eyes and Lemon Haze Bubblegum.

This strain will make you uplifted and happy. The citrusy and piney aromas and flavors are absolutely fantastic, and might leave you wishing you had some Boba Fett-scented potpourri for your home. Along with the pleasant cognitive sensations, Bob Fett will reduce chronic pain and increase appetite.

Boba Fett is a Private Reserve strain that was made by Herbal Wellness Center dispensary for marijuana connoisseurs. It can be found at HWC’s Phoenix and Chandler dispensary locations.

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