The nation’s second legal recreational marijuana market is opening in Washington tomorrow, July 8th.
The new law will allow anyone 21 and older to buy up to an ounce of marijuana. One gram of marijuana is expected to cost between $12 and $25 at retail marijuana dispensaries.
Washington’s Liquor Control Board plans to issue up to 20 recreational marijuana retail licenses today, and retail stores can open the next day if they’re ready. The Liquor Control Board was overwhelmed with almost 7,000 license applications. It is not clear how many licenses will be issued in the future.
Seventy-nine growers have been licensed in Washington. The Liquor Control Board stated that growers don’t expect to have their first shipment of marijuana ready until late summer. The Board expects there to be shortages in supply for awhile.
Businesses and persons wanting to make marijuana edibles will have to get further permission from the Board. Edible makers will have to have child-proof packaging, strict labeling guidelines, and pass kitchen inspections. The Board doesn’t want edible makers to create any candy-like edibles that would appeal to children.