AZ Cannabis Retail Store Map
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Arizona Cannabis | Info
🌿 Arizona voters legalized recreational marijuana via Prop 207 on Nov 3, 2020. The new law allows adults 21 and older to buy, possess and use marijuana. Dispensaries with a recreational license can sell marijuana to adults.
Arizona’s medical marijuana program began in 2010. Soon after, state licensed dispensaries began opening.
Arizona residents with a qualifying condition can visit an Arizona medical marijuana doctor to get a medical marijuana card and become a patient. With a card, patients can purchase marijuana products at any Arizona dispensary. Patients can also get deals at dispensaries.
The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act allows Arizona residents with an Arizona medical marijuana card to buy and possess up to 2.5 ounces of medical marijuana every two weeks from AZÂ dispensaries. All forms of marijuana (flowers, edibles, topicals, concentrates, extracts) are available for purchase at dispensaries in Arizona. Many dispensaries also sell THC-free products, such as cannabidiol (CBD) and hemp products.
Arizona medical marijuana cardholders can use a dispensary map to find local dispensaries near them. Dispensaries are sometimes referred to as pot shops, weed shops or retail stores.
The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) oversees the Arizona medical marijuana program from their Phoenix office.
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