Search for Arizona Medical Marijuana Clinics
Welcome to Find all Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Arizona. Research the Legalization of Marijuana in Arizona. YES on 203! Pro-Medicinal Marijuana Community of Arizona. Let us help you find doctors, attorneys, community outreach and local marijuana dispensaries in Arizona.
It is with great excitement that I announce that Prop 203 has won! We are now 4421 votes ahead and that lead is expected to grow as the last few thousand votes are counted next week. The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act will be certified on November 29th and the Department of Health will have 120 days to put together the application process for this program.
Thank you all for your hard work and donations! Thank you for your letters, emails, and support – We could not have done this without each and every one of you.
We have more work to do in the coming months, we must stand up for patients! We must fight for those who will benefit from this valuable herb. We all must fight for freedom and liberty to use the medications, herbs, and supplements that benefit us all.
Have a great night!
Jon Gettel