Parents treating their children’s chronic and debilitating illnesses with medical marijuana get a lot of flak. Medical marijuana benefits children with autism, epilepsy and a host of other serious illnesses. MomForce AZ is a group of local moms who continue to fight the stigma and for access to medical marijuana for their children.
Parisa Mansouri-Rad and Brandy Williams are two valley moms who know first-hand how beneficial medical marijuana is for their children, according to ABC 15 News. Mansouri-Rad treats her daughter’s multiple chronic disorders with medical marijuana to ease her pain. Williams treats her son’s autism with epilepsy to reduce seizures and calm episodes of self-harming.
Monsouri-Rad said, “We tried a myriad of pharmaceuticals to figure out what would work, she was like a guinea rabbit for the doctors. Not only was she on pain medication that was really damaging to her body, but on other pharmaceuticals that we then had to treat with other pharmaceuticals because of the side effects.”
Monsouri-Rad obtained a medical marijuana caregiver card in order to treat her daughter. She treats with both CBD and THC products. She calls the results of this treatment miraculous. She said, “It helps with pain, sleeping, depression and anxiety. Also she’s not suffering from nausea anymore, not suffering from pain, her overall mood is better, she’s acting like a kid again.”
Williams is passionate about how well medical marijuana has helped her son with seizure control and self-harming episodes. She said, “He was having 7 – 15 seizures a day. He was banging his head 75 – 150 times per day. I have scars all over my arms from him biting through my flesh. Every door in our home had a hole in it from his head.”
Within 20 minutes of her son’s first dose of CBD oil, he was calm and focused. She said, “My son’s entire world has changed. I couldn’t imagine going through another four years of autism without medical marijuana.”
For these families, treating their children with medical marijuana means that the kids can live their lives like kids. They can laugh, function and get through the day.
Monsouri-Rad said, “We have no problems giving our kids antidepressants, and all these other drugs so what’s wrong with giving them something natural that makes them feel happy?”
These families include just 2 of the 176 children in Arizona that are approved for medical marijuana cards with their parents as caregivers. Each approval requires two doctor approvals.
April is National Autism Awareness Month. MomForce AZ is holding a special meeting focusing on how medical marijuana has helped their children. The April 19 meeting is at the Monastery at 4810 E. McKellips Road at 6 p.m. Those interested in learning about how medical marijuana can help children with autism and other debilitating conditions are encouraged to attend.