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Former DEA Agents Rally in Support of Arizona’s Proposition 205

AZ Marijuana Prop 205

Two retired DEA agents visited Arizona State University to campaign in support of Proposition 205.

Finn Selander and Michael Capasso spoke to students explaining why they support Prop 205, according to The Huffington Post. The support is surprising given the careers both have come from – fighting illegal drug use, trafficking and possession.

Capasso said, “[speaking with ASU students] was a huge success. They were interested, and they liked my perspective – coming from the DEA. Most of the people I spoke with were thumbs-up on Prop 205.”

Capasso also believes that the passing of Prop 205 is practical, as it will create funding to aid state programs. He said, “I think it makes sense, I really do. And I think it’s going to happen. It’s about time.”

Selander, who specialized in marijuana operations, is a member of LEAP, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.

Capasso worked for the DEA for 23 years. He said, “I’m supporting Prop 205 because it will make our community safer. Law enforcement has more important things to do than arrest adults for simple marijuana possession. It’s time to end marijuana prohibition and regulate marijuana like alcohol.”

Recent polls show support for Prop 205 at a slight advantage.

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