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Marijuana Dispensary Applications To Be Accepted for Only 10 Days

AZ Marijuana Dispensary DeadlineThe Arizona Department of Health Services announced that it will begin accepting Dispensary Registration Certificate Applications for marijuana dispensaries in Arizona on May 14th, 2012. They will accept applications for only 10 working days: from May 14th to 5pm on May 25th.

The AZDHS will take 30 working days to review the applications. And applicants will have 20 working days to submit any documents or information that were missing during their initial review of the application.

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Registration Certificates will be awarded on August 7, 2012. If there is only one qualified applicant in any particular Community Health Access Areas (CHAA), that applicant will be awarded the Registration Certificate. A random drawing will be held in early to award Registration Certificates in CHAAs with more than one qualified applicant.

For more information on applying for a marijuana dispensary in Arizona you can check out the documents provided on the AZDHS website, such as the Registration Certificate Application Checklist, Registration Certificate Application Instructions, and the official Registration Certificate Application.

Until marijuana dispensaries open, patients are forces to find a caregiver using a marijuana caregiverdirectory or marijuana delivery service directory like the ones on or a marijuanacaregiver networking site like Patients that prefer to have someone find them a caregiver can use a service like Compassion First AZ or AzGrowPro that will find them a caregiver for them.

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