A study released last week in the journal Psychology of Addictive Behaviors has stated that married couples who use marijuana together are less likely to get into physical altercations. Over 600 couples were taken into assessment by prestigious universities such as Yale and Rutgers, where they learned the following:
“In this community sample of newly married couples, more frequent marijuana use generally predicted less frequent IPV [intimate partner violence] perpetration, for both men and women, over the first 9 years of marriage. Moderation analyses provided evidence that couples in which both spouses used marijuana frequently were at the lowest risk for IPV perpetration, regardless of the perpetrator’s gender.”
A similar study where marijuana was replaced with alcohol was conducted at the beginning of the year in the journal Addictive Behaviors, where it was concluded that frequent alcohol use is responsible for more frequent violence amongst couples where heavy drinking was the norm.
Researchers have thus come to the conclusion that “marijuana use did not increase the odds of any type of aggression.”