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Clinton: “I Am 100% in Favor of Medical Uses for Marijuana”

Hillary Clinton Medical Marijuana

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has altered her stance on medical marijuana, recently stating at a town hall televised on Good Morning America that it is “wrong” to have marijuana listed as a Schedule 1 drug. If elected President, Clinton claims that she would support medical marijuana, support state’s rights, and allow for marijuana to be researched.

Clinton said that, “We have enough anecdotal evidence” about “what marijuana can do for medical conditions, easing pain, and we need to be doing research on it because I am 100 percent in favor of medical uses for marijuana, but I want to know what the evidence is.”

When asked if she would vote yes or no to legalize marijuana in her home state, Clinton deflected by saying there is a need to study the language of the bill first. She did, however, say she is generally in favor of reforming marijuana laws, reports  She is not so decisive of legalized recreational use, but does support for states’ rights to experiment with legalization on different levels.

Clinton, when asked about recreational marijuana, said, “I am also someone who believes states can be those laboratories of democracy, so I am watching carefully the states that have legalized it to learn from them so we can base the best policy on that.”


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