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Home > AZ Cannabis Deals > Delta 8 THC from iLava Now Available at Limited Dispensaries

Delta 8 THC from iLava Now Available at Limited Dispensaries


The same research & development team who brought you iLava Touch has spent the last year perfecting the refinement process to make a vape cartridge with a new cannabinoid – Delta 8 THC (Δ8) .

When you buy an iLava Δ8 Clarity vape, you are not just trying a new brand.

You are trying a new experience.

Delta 8 THC is a powerful cannabinoid native to the cannabis flower. In nature, it is found in much smaller amounts compared to Delta 9 THC (Δ9), its common psychoactive cannabinoid relative.

While only a few atomic bonds are different from common THC, Δ8 offers a unique, potent high that is not like traditional THCA, CBD, or other common cannabinoids.

Consumers of Δ8 THC have reported experiences that include clear-headedness, soothing body sensations, and relaxation with a lower psychotropic effect than Δ9 THC.

We follow a unique process to ensure that we are producing high quality water clear Delta 8 distillate available in 6 different varieties with a new PURE | RAW version coming soon.

Research shows that Δ8 THC contains properties that may help reduce stress or tension, stimulate appetite, or reduce nausea.

If you are looking for deep physical relief without feeling out of tune with your senses or mentally bogged down, iLava Δ8 Clarity is the product for you.

Today, iLava Delta 8 Clarity is launching exclusively at these locations in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe & Chandler.

Level Up Dispensary
Oasis Dispensary
Emerald Dispensary
Downtown Dispensary
D2 Dispensary

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