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Cannabis Use Associated With Weight Loss

Weight Loss Cannabis
People who consume cannabis or cannabis-related products in clinical trials typically experience weight loss, according to a meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Obesity.

Brazilian researchers reviewed results from randomized controlled trials involving subjects’ use of cannabis or cannabis-related products.

The researchers reported: “In general, cannabis use reduced weight … and WC [waist circumference]. When examining subgroups, longer follow-up periods were associated with a more pronounced BMI [body mass index] reduction. These findings suggest that cannabis and sub-products could be considered adjuncts in obesity treatment by helping to reduce relevant anthropometric measurements.”

A 2022 ecological analysis published in the journal Health Economics reported that the adoption of state-licensed marijuana sales is associated with a decrease in state-level obesity rates.

Case-control studies have consistently reported that those with a history of marijuana use are less likely than abstainers to be obese or to suffer from type 2 diabetes, NORML reported. Studies have also previously linked cannabis use to greater rates of physical activity.

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