After a long wait, Uruguay has finally released the much anticipated regulations to accompany its system that will legally monitor the production, sale, and use of marijuana for adults in the country thus making it the first country in the world to do so. They are expecting to have the market up and running before the end of 2014.
The system will be implemented as follows: Uruguayan residents over the age of 18 will be permitted to choose between 3 different forms of access to recreational marijuana. The first being growing up to 6 plants per household on their own, the second would be the option to join a membership club where anywhere between 15 and 45 members can join in to collectively grow up to 99 plants, and the last would be the option to purchase up to 10 grams of marijuana from a licensed pharmacy.
All residents who choose to partake in legal marijuana will have to register with the government through a confidential registry, and declare which of the three options they would like to choose.
The largest difference between the ways this regulatory system has been established versus say that of Colorado or Washington is in the price. In Colorado, a gram of high grade marijuana would be sold from anywhere between 12$ to $25, while in Uruguay marijuana will be priced at just 1$ per gram in hopes that it will put a stranglehold on the black market drug trade.