The genetic sequence of some of Cannabis has finally been mapped and the Canadian researchers who did it are making the info available free on the internet.
The PhytoMetaSyn is made up of scientists from several Canadian universities that have teamed up to map the genetic code of 75 plants, Cannabis Sativa (specifically Purple Kush) being one of them. Each of the plants selected were chosen for their importance to humanity. 🙂
“We are completing the analysis of the genetic codes for nearly 75 plant species and are making them accessible online as they become available with the hopes of having the entire set in our web portal by the end of February 2012. Currently more than half of the 75 species are available on our website,” said project co-leader Peter Facchini of the University of Calgary in a press release.
“An interesting question is, who actually owns this genetic information?” said Facchini. “We’re releasing it publicly because we feel it belongs to everyone. We discovered it, but we didn’t invent it.”
So if you have ever wanted to know what the genome of your favorite plant looks like, you can check it out here: To the left is a picture of the Analysis of gene expression in PK tissues. I have no idea what that means but it looks cool.