Tiresias Mist™ is a new spray that enables growers to create feminized seeds. The product is owned and distributed by Phoenician Nutrients, LLC, which is based out of Scottsdale, AZ. Tiresias {ty-ree’-see-uhs} Mist™ was the result of research with the goal in mind of standardizing a treatment method to produce feminized seeds and responsibly cross-pollinate. Currently growers do not have a product that is recognized and tested to grow clone seeds of the host plant(s). High Times magazine is featuring Tiresias Mist™ as a product of the year due to the spray being a standard of reliability for all growers to use. Currently there are a number of theories, practices, and products that are used with very mixed results and the products are not intended to be used on plants. Tiresias Mist™ is currently being sold online, in hydroponic stores, and at events. For more information visit or email Phoenician Nutrients at
Tiresias Mist™ Enables Growers to Easily Create Feminized Seeds.
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