Business professionals around the globe are admitting to using marijuana. For some it was a one-time experience in their youth while for others a life-long passion.
Here is a list of some CEOs that have used or still use marijuana:
1. Hugh Hefner – Playboy
– “I don’t think there’s any question that marijuana should be legalized because to not legalize it, we’re paying the same price we paid for prohibition.”
– “In other words, it is a medical concern and it should be handled that way.”
2. George Zimmer – Men’s Wearhouse
– Said he’s “been smoking marijuana on a regular basis for about 50 years.”
3. Richard Branson – Virgin Group
– Told Piers Morgan that he smoked marijuana with his adult son while on vacation.
4. Oprah Winfrey – Oprah Winfrey Network
– Has admitted two times on national television to having smoked marijuana when she was younger.
5. Michael Bloomberg – Bloomberg Media Company
– When asked by a New York magazine if he’s smoked marijuana: “You bet I did. And I enjoyed it.”
6. John Sperling – Former CEO of the University of Phoenix
– Said that smoking marijuana helped him manage the side effects of cancer treatment.
7. Mark Johnson – Descartes Labs
– He told a news company that he smoked marijuana day in and day out, and that marijuana use was so widespread among Silicon Valley tech workers that it simply isn’t an issue.
– “Pot is an extremely functional drug,” he said. “Coders can code on it, writers can write on it.”
8. Peter Lewis – Former CEO of Progressive Insurance Company
– Used marijuana to combat chronic pain from a leg amputation.
– “I’m supporting the [marijuana] campaign because I support common-sense reform of the nation’s drug laws.”