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9 Reasons Marijuana May Benefit You

Marijuana Health Benefits

People are often reluctant to try marijuana for medical purposes. But new scientific evidence is quickly revealing that marijuana has many health benefits, and little to no downside. This list helps to break down negative perceptions and false information about marijuana.

1. Marijuana is safer than most prescription medications.  Prescription drugs are a daily occurrence in the lives of many people. A lot of these medications carry with them some truly terrible side effects, while marijuana has been shown to have very few.  The anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties alone should be reason enough for people to trade in the pill bottle for marijuana.

2. Marijuana is not an addictive substance.  A common misconception about marijuana is that once people begin using marijuana they won’t be able to quit.  In reality, people can stop using marijuana from one day to the next and the effects would be similar to that of someone quitting drinking coffee.

3. Marijuana can reduce and even replace many prescription medications. A lot of people complain that the first pill they take every day causes side effects like drowsiness or nausea.  While this pill might be imperative to their health they are then told to take an additional pill to combat the first pill’s side effects.  Marijuana can help relieve symptoms of nausea and drowsiness.

4. There are many different types (strains) of marijuana.  If one particular strain doesn’t suit someone’s needs, then there is another one that should do the trick.

5. There are marijuana strains that don’t get you “high.”  A lot of people like the idea of the medicinal properties of marijuana, but not the actual “high” caused by THC.  In circumstances like these, there are CBD dominant strains which alleviate inflammation, acute pain, and even seizures without producing the “high.”

6. You don’t have to smoke marijuana to use it.  A lot of people think that smoking marijuana is there only option, when in reality there are many ways to consume marijuana: from vaporizing to eating edibles to applying lotions. There are multiple options.

7. Marijuana infused creams can drastically improve pain associated with arthritis.  Creams that you can apply directly to the skin have been shown to help with sore joints and muscle pain.

8. Marijuana does not lower your IQ.  There is no evidence or documentation that shows marijuana lowers your intelligence or kills brain cells.  There are even studies showing that using marijuana improves brain function. Recent scientific studies reveal that marijuana helps fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

9. Marijuana increases your appetite.  When ill, people usually don’t have an appetite and in turn lose a lot of weight.  Marijuana has been shown to get rid of the nausea that causes this loss of appetite.  And on the opposite end of the spectrum, studies have shown that people who smoke marijuana every week are more likely to lose weight because of the metabolic boost it provides.

There are fewer stigmas attached to marijuana use than there once was. The US marijuana industry is now the fastest growing industry in the US. The main reason is because marijuana is a truly amazing medicine.

Learn how to get a medical marijuana card in Arizona.

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