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Home > AZ Cannabis News > Edibles Account for Half of Colorado’s Market In 2014

Edibles Account for Half of Colorado’s Market In 2014

Marijuana Edibles

Marijuana edibles have been around for a long time, but you couldn’t buy them in stores or dispensaries as prevalently as now. In the past you would have to have a culinary savvy friend who also liked marijuana in order to get your hands on edibles. Now days, in Colorado and many other states, you can go into a store and purchase marijuana edibles in many different forms.

Edibles are extremely popular in Colorado. So popular, that edibles made up roughly 45% of the newly legal recreational industry in Colorado in 2014.

The variety of marijuana-infused edibles available became a “point of fascination” for consumers, said Joe Hodas, chief marketing officer for Dixie Elixirs & Edibles, one of Colorado’s largest producers of infused products.

“The proliferation of marijuana edibles stunned state and industry leaders, making it one of the biggest surprises during the first year of legal recreational marijuana sales. Potent cookies, candies and drinks — once considered a niche market — now account for roughly 45 percent of the legal marijuana marketplace and led to the most high-profile marijuana controversies in 2014. We knew that there would be consumer interest in edibles, but I think we did underestimate that the demand would exceed our expectations,” Hodas said.

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