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Gilbert to Ban Recreational Marijuana Sales if Prop 207 Passes

Gilbert Marijuana
Arizona voters haven’t even passed Proposition 207 to legalize marijuana for adults yet, but the Gilbert Town Council has already passed a law to ban anything relating to recreational marijuana.

The town’s new ordinance, that would only go into effect if the Prop 207 ballot measure passes, would prohibit recreational cannabis dispensaries and cannabis testing facilities from operating in the town, AZCentral reported.

The ordinance would also prohibit the production, distribution, storage, sale, and use of recreational marijuana on property owned or operated by the town, which is in the southeast part of the Phoenix metro area. This excludes Gilbert’s single medical marijuana dispensary.

The town’s ban is to “protect public health, safety, and welfare,” the ordinance reads.

The Gilbert Town Council unanimously approved the new ordinance even though 78 of the 81 people who submitted comments were in opposition of the marijuana ban.

Gilbert has a large population of Mormons, a religious group that advises against caffeine and drugs they deem non-medicinal.

“I don’t think it’s a good look to prohibit new businesses that are owned by people most disproportionally impacted by prohibition,” said a spokesperson for Prop 207. “Gilbert might want to rethink the racial and the social implications of that.”

Many Arizonans feel that Gilbert will be harming its own economy by banning marijuana businesses because they generate a lot of jobs and tax revenue.

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