The price of marijuana is really cheap compared to light beer throughout most of the U.S. Although, this is relative to each user’s tolerance for each substance.
The Washington Post found marijuana street prices from an online source to estimate the price of a single marijuana joint in each state. They then took the listed price for a six-pack of beer from an online alcohol retailer and applied state-specific beer taxes to approximate the cost of a 12 ounce bottle of Bud Light in each state.
“If you’re a naive user [of marijuana] a half a joint should do you plenty. You’re now stoned for three hours for two bucks… Doritos cost more,” said an expert on drug abuse and crime control policy.
Here are some of their findings:
“For those in Oklahoma, for instance, a joint is quite the bargain. Marijuana costs only $2.09 per joint in the state (the least expensive of anywhere in the U.S.), while a Bud Light sells for roughly $0.87 a 12 ounce bottle —meaning that price of a joint is the same as the price of 2.4 beers. In Kentucky, where a joint costs about $2.61, and a Bud Light costs roughly $0.90, the ratio is closer to 2.9; in Arkansas, where a joint costs $2.58 and a Bud Light $0.86, it’s 2.99; and in Washington, where weed is $2.72 per joint and Bud Light $0.90 per bottle, it’s 3.01.
For those in Nevada, however, marijuana isn’t nearly as wallet-friendly. Marijuana costs more than $5.20 per joint in the state (the most in the country), while a beer runs for about $0.85—meaning a joint costs the same as more than six beers. In Wyoming, where a joint costs about $5.00 and a Bud Light costs just over $0.83, the ratio is roughly 5.99; In South Dakota, where a joint costs $5.02 and a Bud Light costs $0.86, it’s 5.86; and in Vermont, where weed is $4.51 per joint and Bud Light $0.86 per bottle, it’s 5.28.”