Stealthy Custom Grow Box Wraps
We have always been fans of the Supercloset Grow Boxes because the black cabinet-style boxes blend into garages, laundry rooms and other similar rooms perfectly. Now you can their grow boxes with custom wraps that make them look like wine refrigerators, tool boxes and washer/dryer combos and more.
These wraps are made of the same high-quality wraps that is used on cars. So you know they are built to last. You can even get custom wraps made for your grow box.
Check out all the hidden Supercloset Grow Boxes. You can find pictures and specs on all sizes of hidden grow boxes.
If you want to see some of their other grow boxes check out our article on Discreetly Growing Marijuana Indoors and the Best hidden Marijuana Grow Boxes. Superclosets makes great boxes that you can hide almost anywhere!
Support Arizona Businesses and You Support Marijuana in AZ!
Support local marijuana businesses! Not only does Superclosets make superior-quality hidden marijuana grow boxes, but they are a local business too. Superclosets is based out of Phoenix, Arizona. So buy local and support marijuana in Arizona!