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Home > Marijuana Strains > Big Bud Marijuana Review

Big Bud Marijuana Review

Big Bud AZ Medical BudThis marijuana review is the first from AZ Medical Bud, aka Budman. And I have to say, we were very impressed.

Not only are the genetics top-tier, but they have also been grown and handled very well. In addition, these buds have been cured properly which can make all the difference between good bud and great bud. And as you can see from the pictures, this Big Bud is great bud.

The Big Bud nugs are light green with bright orange hairs and it smoked really nice….not at all rough on the lungs. Nice spicy taste. It seemed to work great for nausea and headaches. Also helped with encouraging an appetite.

Big Bud is also great for insomnia. Our intern experimented with this one before bed and it put her right to sleep. For this same reason, she doesn’t recommend it as a daytime smoke or you may become a victim of couch-lock.

The Big Bud marijuana strain won the 1996 Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam. Genetically, it is an Afghanica indica-hybrid crossed with Skunk #1. It is one of the oldest commercial strains because it is known for producing a large yield and providing a great high. Some Big Bud plants have been known to become so heavy with flowers that they will touch the ground and may need to be tied to the stem. Big Bud is vulnerable to bugs though, so it is best grown indoors.


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