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Arizona Gets C+ on ASA’s Medical Marijuana Program Report Card

Arizona Marijuana Tests

The latest report by Americans for Safe Access ranked Arizona below average at 79.6% (a C+ grade) among the nation’s medical marijuana state programs.

The five main categories that were graded:

  • Patient rights & civil protections
  • Ease of navigation
  • Functionality
  • Access
  • Consumer safety & provider requirements

Arizona scored very well (96 out of 100) in the patient rights and civil protections category, as well as in program functionality (89 out of 100).

The score for ease of navigation was 82 out of 100, while access to medicine scored 81 out of 100.

The lowest scoring category for Arizona was consumer safety and provider requirements, which received just 39 out of 100 available points. The fact that Arizona does not require lab testing is what truly hurt the state’s overall score; the consumer safety subsection received a 0 out of 25. Legislation is still pending to make testing marijuana mandatory in Arizona.

View the full report: ASA Medical Marijuana Access State Report Card 2018


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