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Changes Coming to Arizona’s Medical Marijuana Allotment Amount

Arizona Marijuana Extracts Allotment

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In May, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that marijuana extracts (concentrates) are legal under the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (AMMA), thus allowing Arizona dispensaries to (continue to) sell concentrates and Arizona medical marijuana patients to legally purchase, possess and use them.

However, the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) hasn’t decided on a standardized flower-to-concentrate ratio yet to determine how much marijuana flower it takes to create a specified amount of concentrate. But that ratio is expected to be announced any day now. Consequently, patients in possession of a considerable amount of marijuana concentrates could unknowingly have more than the state’s legally allocated amount of marijuana (which, currently, is only based on the weight of marijuana flowers and is currently set to 2.5 ounces every 2 weeks) putting them in risk of arrest and prosecution.

Other states have already resolved this issue so that consumers know the legal allotment of marijuana they can purchase and possess. In Colorado, for example, the state established that:

“one ounce (28 grams) of marijuana flowers = 8 grams of concentrates = 800mg of edibles.”

Arizona medical marijuana industry insiders believe that the ratio will be rather liberal — potentially near a 1:1 ratio. However, it is possible that the ADHS will follow in the footsteps of other states rather than creating their own ratio.

The ADHS should establish a flower-to-concentrate ratio immediately so that dispensaries know how much marijuana they can legally sell to patients and so that patients know the total amount of marijuana they can legally possess. Until then, the ADHS is putting both dispensaries and patients at legal risk.

Contact the ADHS if you have any questions or concerns.

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Photo: The Clinic Colorado

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